vol1 - Page 135

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 Put simply_ patients were not confined to their initial control
 qroups beyond the first treatment sessions If the patient failed
 ;ii:. to respond to one mode of therapy or simply wished to discontinue
 his or her assigned mode of therapy, the patient was allowed to
 select the alternative mode of antiemetic treatment available°
 ...... The Michigan Department of Public Health reported 71.1%
 of the patients who received marijuana under the Michigan program
 reported no emesis to moderate nausea° This was approximately
 ..... the same overall rate of antiemetic response patients experi a
 enced while on the conventional antiemetic drug, Torecan® 2_Q_/
 These results were based on the evaluation of a
 ........ heterogenous population of 165 patients who were afflicted with a
 wide range of cancers and were exposed to a large number of
 antineoplastic therapies. 2_-/
 The report notes that this higholevel of utility with
 marijuana was achieved without producing any serious adverse
 effects. A very low percentage of patients receiving marijuana
 (21.5%) reported some kind of side effecto 210/ However, the bulk
 of these reported side effects were of no clinical consequence
 208/ ACT Official State Reports, Vol. II, Exhibit 9, _Michigan
 Dept. of Public Health, Marijuana Therapeutic Research Projects
 Trial A 1980-19SI, u Department of Social Oncoloqy_ Evaluation
 Unit, Michigan Cancer Foundations (March 18, 1982) at 13, Table 12_
 _.q2/ /_. at 4-6, Tables I_5o Individuals participating in the
 Michigan program ranged from 15 to 79 years of age, with the
 largest number of patients being from 40 to 70 years of age (88
 of 165). While 81% of the patients were Caucasian, the breakdown
 for females and males was representative of the general popu-
 lation (52% female/47% male). Nearly 60% of the patients in thiŁ_
 program were married.
 2_l_q/ /_. at ii=12, Tables i0-ii_
 - 62 -

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