vol1 - Page 130

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 are evaluable cases for a total Georgia state population of 119
 valuable cases _ 19-_/
 Using these populations the report notes that both oral
 THC and smoked marijuana proved to be effective in providing
 previously unresponsive patients with antiemetic relief. As the
 report states, _Table iC combines the Georgia and Emery data,
 These data clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of marijuana/THC
 as an anti-emetic (success rate _ 73oi%). _!9-_/
 At Table i_ which analyzes success or fail_re by age
 grouping, the report states_ #No significant age effects were
 detected. _
 • " .... _Table 2 breaks out success or failure by method
 (capsule and smoking).° .There were no statistically significant
 differences among the methods for either Georgia or Emery.. These
 .... data' are combined in Table 2C. Note the similar success rates
 for each of the methods (PO = 76o0%_ SS = 65.4%_ and PCS =
 72.2%) o w/_-_/
 ...... Table 3 is of particular interest because it focuses on
 the reason for those few treatment failures which did occur by
 both age and method. And here_ Georgiats programs identified
 significant distinctions between oral THe and marijuana
 The primary reasons for failure of THC
 capsules were due to either an adverse
 reaction (6 out of 18) or failure to improve

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