vol1 - Page 127

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 data resulted from such compassionate
 progra_ of patient care all the bettero !_-_/
 The Georgia _arijuana-as-Medicine H legislation was
 supported by the Georgia Medical Association, the Georgia Bureau
 of Investigation, research oncologists from Emory University and
 Grady Memorial Hospital and by private physicians and cancer
 .... i.i
 patients_ The legislature enacted a law based on the New Mexico
 Under this legislation the Composite State Board of
 .Medical Examiners set up a Georgia Patient Qualification Review
 Board (WPQRB#)o Members of the PQRB were approved by majority
 vote of the Composite State Board of Medical Examiners andf by
 legislative decrees included physicians with Board certification
 in Ophthalmology, Surgery_ Internal Medicine/Medical Oncology,
 Radiology and Psychiatry. !88/
 ...... i
 In outlining its intents the Georgia PQRB notes, _The
 purpose of this program is t'o: sponsor statewide investigational
 studies utilizing as drug investigators individual physicians who
 elect to participate .... _-_/ More precisely_ the PQRB
 informed FDA that the Georgia program's purpose was to:
 [E]valuate the response rates of oral THC,
 standardized smoking_ and patient-controlled
 smoking as anti-emetics in cancer patients
 2_/ Affidavit of Mona Tarts _ 73o
 18Z/ /_. at _ 72, 74.
 18__/ ACT Official State Reports, Vol. If, Exhibit 8, URules of
 the Composite State Board of Medical Examiners for the Patent
 Review Board: Controlled Substances Therapeutic Research _
 ..... : Program, _ Chapter 360-12_ (May 13, 1981)_ at I, 2.
 /_./ /__. at I°
 54 -

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