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 psychosis "is perhaps one of the most widely known phenomena associated
 with chronic amphetamine use..." [d. at pg. 146. The paranoid
 state may be directly reJated to the user's violer_t behavior.
 Not infrequently the amphetamine abuser committing
 homicide is attacking his imagined assail_nt created in
 his paranoid delusional thinking° The violent act may
 take place in a state of terror and panic, often
 secondary to misinterpretation of events or delusions°
 [d. at pgo 149.
 Barbiturates. (CSA ScheduJe ll). Barbiturates are synthetic
 drugs which are commonly used as sedatives. Regular use of
 barbiturates leads to addiction and other behavioral disorders° Use of
 barbiturates may also cause violent and aggressive behavior. Chronic
 barbiturate intoxication closely resembles alcoholism with similar
 depressant effects on the centraJ nervous system (cBouded
 consciousness, slurred speech, impaired muscle coordination, and marked
 swings in mood from depression to euphoria, from passivity to extreme
 aggression. National Commission, Drug Use in America, supra, at pg.
 90. The withdrawal syndrome is characterized by loss of appetite,
 insomnia, tremor, convulsions, delirium, and in extreme cases, death.
 [d., at page 92°
 Potentially more harmfuJ to the individual than either the effects
 of barbiturate intoxication or the symptoms of withdrawal is the danger
 of overdosage: "poisoning by barbiturates constitutes a major social
 problem. In the United States, these drugs account for 15
 percent of all poisonings and are involved in more deaths than any
 other poisonings .... Death resulting from barbiturate overdose is
 becoming an increasingly common social phenomenon, whether suicidal or
 accidental" Jdo at pgs. 96-98° The Commission's conclusion stated that
 "the whole pattern of barbiturate dependency is a more dangerous one
 than that of opiate abuse, n Id. at pgo 97°
 Depressants° (CSA Schedule IV). A number of central nervous
 system depressants are listed in Schedule IV of the CSA, including
 chloral betaine, ch_ora_ hydrate, ethchlorvynol, el:hinamate,
 meprobamate, paraldehyde, and petricNoraL The National Commission
 reported in Drug Use in America, supra, at pgs. 93-93, that these sub-
 have been shown to be capable of producing
 barbiturate-like intoxication and inducing

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