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 listed in Schedule I are generally subject to the strictest
 controls and harshest penalties, compared to substances listed in
 the lower schedules of control. See, 21 UoS.C. 811-12, 841_49.
 it is important to note that the legislative history of the
 CSA demonstrates that madjuana's classification in Schedule I
 was intended as a temporary measure, based upon Uimited
 information. Congress clearly indicated that a reconsideration
 of marUuana's classification would be appropriate when a number
 of comprehensive studies, then underway, were completed° The
 House Report on the CSA, H.R. Rep. No. 91-1444, 91st Cong., 1st
 Sesso (1970), states:
 in the bill as recommended by the
 administration and as reported by the
 committee, marihuana is listed under schedule
 _, as subject to the most stringent controJs
 under the biI_, except that criminal
 penalties appJicabme to marihuana offenses
 are those for offenses involving non-narcotic
 controlled substances.
 The committee requested recommendations
 from the Department of HeaJth, Education and
 Welfare concerning the appropriate location
 of marihuana in the schedules of the bill,
 and by letter of August 14, 1970, (printed in
 this report under the heading "Agency
 Reports:)", the Assistant Secretary for
 HeaJth and Scientific Affairs recommended
 "that marihuana be retained within scheduie I
 at least until the completion of certain
 studies now underway." Jn addition, section
 601 of the bill provides for establishment of
 a Presidential Commission on Marihuana and
 Drug Abuse. The recommendations of this
 commission will be of aid in determining the
 appropriate disposition of this question in
 the future.
 td. at pgs, 4578-79.

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