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 public health or welfare will in fact suffer
 if the controls are not applied°
 at 506, 509-511 (footnote omitted).
 Bo Applicable Constitutional Standards to be App_lied
 The Fifth Amendment states, irut9_[ aliA; that: t'No person
 shall be . deprived of . . liberty . . without the due
 process of law .... _ The plain language of this portion of
 the amendment establishes explicit substantive protection for due
 process rights. However_ while not containing the actual phrase
 _ it is _ also now established
 _'equal protection of the laws _ o .
 that the basic concepts of equal protection apply to the federal
 government through the due process clause of the Fifth
 Amendment." Jo_D___3__l_obi/L__o_n_ 415 U_S0 361_ 364, n. 4_ 94
 S.Ct. I160, 39 LoEd_2d 389 (1974); Ri_ch_rgL_on _____l_ch_, 404
 u.s. 78, 81, 92 soot. 254; 30 L.Ed_2d (1971); Lkiited States Vo
 Hawesf 529 F_2d 472_ 477 (5th Ciro 1976); Uni__d States V.
 _D/_don_Nikkar, 518 Fo2d 972, 976 (5th Ciro 1975) o
 The Supreme Court has utilized three standards of review in
 assessing equal protection challenges to iegislative provisions.
 Where the challenged statutory scheme has involved infringement
 of a constitutional guarantee or a "fundamental interest, 'w or
 discrimination based upon a '_suspect classification," such as
 race or religion, the Court has applied "strict scrutiny _' and has
 upheld the statutory scheme only when it has been shown necessary
 to promote a "compelling governmental interest." LQ_Cai__Qf
 _Sheet Metal Wo3_r_s v_F_Q__C_, 478 UoS. 486, 106 S_Ct° 3019

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