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 Court to make certain findings of fact and conclusions of law
 before either granting or denying defendant's motion to dismiss.
 Rule 12(e) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure
 (e) Ruling on motion° A motion made before
 trial shall be determined before trial unless
 the courts for good causer orders that it be
 deferred for determination at the trial of
 the general issue or until after verdictf but
 no such determination shall be deferred if a
 party's right to appeal is adversely
 affected° Where factual issued are involved
 in determininq_a _tion th court shall
 state its essential finjA___!_the record_
 Fed. Ro Crim. P.12(e) (emphasis added)°
 "[F]indings of fact and conclusions of law are mandatory and
 must be sufficient in detail and exactness to imdicate the
 factual basis for the ultimate conclusion reached by the court_ '_
 Acme Boa_L Rentals, Inc. Vo J. Ray McDermott &C______o_ Inco, 407 Fo2d
 1324_ 1325 (Sth Ciro 1969} o See al_, United _tates vo Renteri___a,
 625 F.2d 1279, 1282 (5th Cir° 1980); _/!_JSta______e__ v. R_,
 606 Fo 2d 853_ 860 (9th Cir° 1979); Unitej States VoJone___________, 542
 F.2d 661_ 664 (6th Cir. 1976); United Stat___a__i v. Winnie Mae Mfg__
 C o.f 451 F. Supp. 642, 650-651 (C.Do Ca!ifo 2978); and United
 StatEs Vo Parson_ 448 F_ Supp. 733r 735 (WoD°MOo 1978)o
 The government may contendr as it has in the past, that with
 respect to the relative harmlessness of marijuana that all of the
 facts are not yet known and therefore the prohibition and

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