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 many diseasesf the treatment (such as cancer
 chemo_therapy) can be more toxic and life-
 threatening than the illness being treated. It is
 undisputed that, in the 5,000 year recorded
 history of marijuana's medical and recreational
 use, there has never been a single overdose
 fatality. Andrew Weil, MoDe testified at a 1987
 federal administrative hearing on whether to
 reschedule marijuana, that a potentially fatal
 dose would require the consumption of Is500 pounds
 of marijuana in 15 minutes; by comparisons aspirin
 fatalities average about is000 people annually.
 The abuse potential of Schedule II drugs like
 PCP and morphine is (beyond reasonable dispute)
 dramatically greater than marijuana; which is less
 addictive than alcohol, nicotine and caffeinew
 based on research reports from the federal
 governmentts National Institute of Drug Abuse
 (NIDA) (Ph.D. Jack E. Henningfield, 1995). The
 federal government Department of Health and Human
 Servicees 1993 National Household Survey on Drug
 Abuse (National Survey) found that 34% of
 respondents had used marijuana sometime in their

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