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 Florid__a_ 582 So.2d 676 (1991); and, Idaho Vo
 Hastings, 801 P.2d 563 (1990) o
 OhioSs legislative judgment: since 197S, on
 marijuana possession and cultivation, has been to
 provide an affirmative defense to criminal
 prosecution where: '_possessed or cultivated under
 any other circumstances that indicate the
 marihuana was solely for personal use;" R.C. sec.
 2925.04(F); ands where possessed _so!ely for
 medicinal purposes _ . . pursuant to the prior
 written recommendation of a licensed physician, _'
 RoC. secŪ 2925.05(I).
 C. The EmperOr Wears _o Clothes_ There is
 No Ra tonal Basis for penvinq Palliative
 Marihuana to the Termina_!yTi!!
 The State's reply brief concludes (at 23):
 "We donet live in a perfect world, and as a
 result, we must rely on the judgement of our
 elected representatives to weigh marijuana_s risks
 or potential benefits, u' Would the Court mimic
 such glib platitudes, if you or your own spouse,
 partner or child found him, her or yourself in
 Ralph Seeley_s place?

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