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 The court in _ construed this m support finding that article 1, §
 7 of the state constitution to provides greater privacy fights than the fourth
 amen&ment to the U.S. Consti_tion. 89
 This subject was covered under the general discussion, page 12, above.
 It seems likely that, just as the federal supreme court found a "penumbra" of
 privacy rights under unrelated enumerated fights, so the state court could look
 at the broad and paramount concern for personal fighl_s set out in the state
 constitution, and find a fight to be treated "reasonably," or "not arbitrarily," in
 the matter of a citizen forced to endure physical suffering, physically
 preventable, but legally prol_bited to no benefit to the state.
 Marijuana is a naturally occurring plant which provides unique and
 inexpensive relief to people suffering from a variety of serious, often life-
 threatening diseases. Tbds conclusio_ is supported by a massive and growing
 body of scientific knowledge, by the government's own exhaustive fact-
 finding process, and by my own horribIe experiences.
 By far the most likely route to legalization for medical use is the
 election of leaders with a sense of compassion. That seerr_ to have
 happened, in the form of president-elect Bill Clinton. ,At the federal level, he
 (as president) may change the law with the stroke of a pen, because the law is
 made and enforced by an executive agency. (The sound you hear is the
 founding fathers spinning m their graves.)
 A second approach would be to have the state legislature amend
 current laws -- it would only take the addition or delefion of several down
 words in the appropriate statutes. While Washington also has an
 administrative agency overseeing the drug laws, the legislature itself
 determines which drugs are placed in wbSch categories Making marijuana
 "prescribable" could be done with the sound of a rrmjofity of "eye" votes and
 a signature by the governoro Tits will become more and more "politically
 acceptable" as facts concerning the drug's therapeutic value become more
 widely known. Sadly, the facts will become widely known at least in part
 _9 Jd at 66, 67.

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