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 the disease but it does relieve the symptoms of spasticity.
 . o
 50_ -Dr. John P. Morgan, board certified i_ internal medicine, Professor
 of Medicine an_J Director of. Pharmacology at CCNY Medical School in New „orkoand
 Associate Professor_of Medicine and Pharmacology at Mr. Sir_ai School of "Medicine,
 'accepts marijuana as having medic_ -use in treatment in the United States. If
 he were practicing medicine and marijuana _ere lega]]y available he would pre-
 scribe it when indicated to patients with legitimate medical needs.
 Based upon the-rationale set out in pages 26 to 34, above, the administrative
 law judge concludes that, within the meaning of the Act, 2] U.S.C. § 812(b)(2)(B),
 marijuana "has a currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States"
 for spasticity resulting from multiple sclerosis and other causes, it would be
 unreasonable, arbitrary and capricious to find otherwise° ]he facts set out
 above, uncontroverted by the Agency, establish beyond question that some doctors
 in the United States accept marijuana as helpful in such treatment for some
 patients. The record here shows that they constitute a significant minority of
 physicians. Nothing more can reasonably be required. That some doctors would
 have more studies and test results in hand before accepting mar_juana's usefui_
 hess here is irrelevant.
 The same is true with respect to the hyperparathyroidism from which Irvin
 Rosenfeld suffers. His disease is so rare, and so fevr physicians appear to be
 familiar with it, that acceptance by one doctor of marijuana as being useful in
 treating it ought to Satisfy the requirement for a significant minority. The
 Agency points to no evidence of record tending to establish that _rijuana is

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