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 the _ervous system which _s affected and accocding to the severity of the disease.
 -_ The symptoms can include one or more of the follo_ifl9: weakness, tingling,
 numbness, impaired.sensation, lack of coordination, disturbances {n equilibrium,
 double v_s_on, loss of vision' involuntary rap#d movementl of the eyes _nys_agmus'),
 slurred speech, tremors, stiffness, spasticity, weakness of limbs,, sexual dysfunc--
 tion, paralysis, and implaired] bladder and!bowel functions.
 4. Each person aff1_cted by multiple sclerosis _s affected d_fferent]y_
 In some persons, the symptoms of the disease are barely detectable, even over
 _ong periods of t_me. In these cases, the persons can _ive their lives as if
 they did mot suffer from the disease. In others, more of the symptoms are present
 and acute, thereby l_m_t_ng their physical capabiI_C_es. Moreover, others may
 experience sporadic, but acute, symptoms.
 5. At this time, there _s no known prevent_o:e or cure for multiple
 sclerosis. Instead, there are only treatments for the symptoms of the disease.
 There are very few'drugs spec_f#cally designed to treat spast#city. These drugs
 often cause very serious side effects° At the present time two drugs are
 approved by FDA as "safe _ and "effective '_ for the specific _ndication of
 spasticity. These drugs are Dantr_um and Lioresal bacloFen.
 6o Unfortunately, neither Dantr_um nor Lioresa_ is a very effective
 spasm contro_ drug° Their marg_na_ medical utility, high to×ic_ty and potential
 for serious adverse effects make these drugs difficult to use in spastic_ty
 7. As a result, many physicians routinely prescribe tranquilizers,
 muscle relaxants, mood e_evators and sedatiwes such as Valium to patients
 .experiencing spasticity. While. these drugs' do not directly_ reduce-spasticitY
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