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 older ones..-By ]979 about 25% to 30% of the patients seen by one San Franc'_sco
 oncologist were using marijuana to control emesis,about 45 tO 50 patients per
 year. Such percentages and numbers vary from city to city. A doctor_in Kansas
 City who sees about 150 to 200 new cancer patients per year found that ever the
 .IS, years 1972 to 1987 about 5% of the_patients he san', or a total of about 75,
 -used marijuana medicinally. _
 18. By 1987 marijuana no longer generated the intense interest in the
 world of ontology that it had previously, but it remains a viable tool, co_Ronly
 employed, in the medica] treatment of chemotherapy patients° There has evolved
 an unwritten but accepted standard of treatment within the community of onco]o-
 gists in the San Francisco, California area which readily accepts the use of
 19. As of the Spring of 1987 in the San Francisco area, patients
 receiving chemotherapy commonly smoked marijuana in hospitals during their treat-
 merits. This in-hospital use, which takes place in rooms behind dosed doors,
 does not bother staff, is expected by physicians and welcomed by nurses who,
 instead of having to run back and forth with containers of vomit, can treat
 patients whose emesis is better controlled than it would be without marijuana.
 Medical institutions in the Bay area where use of marijuana obtained on the
 streets is quite common, although discrete, include the University of California
 at San Francisco Hospital, the Mount Zion Hospital and the Franklin Hospital. In
 effect, marijuana is readily accepted throughout the oncologic community in the
 Bay area for its benefits in connection with chemotherapy_ The same situation
 exists in other _arge metropolitan areas of the United Si;ates.
 20. About 50% of the patients seen by One San Francisco oncol0gist
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