norml09 - Page 45

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 A failure to meet just one of the five points precludes
 a drug from having a currently accepted medical use.
 Marijuana fails all five points of the test.
 NO_ML has argued, unsuccessfully, that the legal
 standard for currently accepted medical use should be
 whether a respectable minority of physicians accepts the
 drug° The key to this medical malpractice defense is that
 the minority opinion must be recognized as respectable, as
 competent, by members of the profession.
 In the absence of reliable evidence adequately
 establishing marijuana's chemistry, pharmacology_ toxicology
 and effectiveness, no responsible physician could conclude
 that marijuana is safe and effectiw_ for medical use. To
 quote Doctor Kenneth P_ Johnson, Chairman of the Department
 of Neurology at the University of Maryland, and the author
 of over i00 scientific and medical articles on MS: '_To
 conclude that marijuana is therapeu_ically effective without
 conducting rigorous testing would be professionally
 irresponsible. _
 By any modern scientific standard_ marijuana is no
 List of Sub°ects in 21 CFR Part 130_[
 Administrative practice and procedure, Drug traffic
 controls Narcotics_ Dangerous drugs°

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