norml09 - Page 19

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 Doctor Merritt was unable to explain, under oath, the
 contradictory positions he has taken on this subject.
 Each of NORML's doctors testified his opinion is based
 on the published scientific studies° With one exceptions
 none of them could identify under oath the scientific
 studies they swore they relied on. Only one had enough
 knowledge to discuss the scientific technicalities involved.
 Eventually_ each one admitted he was basing his opinion on
 anecdotal evidences on stories he heard from patientst and
 on his impressions about the drug.
 Sadly, Doctor Ivan Silverberg, an oncologist from San
 Francisco_ exaggerated while on the witness stand. At first
 he swore "there is voluminous medical research which shows
 marijuana is effective in easing nausea and vomiting."
 Pushed on crossoexamination to identify this voluminous
 research, Doctor Silverberg replied_ _'Well_oo_ i'm going to
 have to back off a little bit from that." How far would
 Doctor Silverberg back off? Was he aware_ at least_ of the
 approximate number of scientific studies that have been done
 using marijuana to treat nausea? Under oaths he replied, _'I
 would doubt very few° But, non !_m not."
 Beyond doubts the claims that marijuana is medicine are
 false_ dangerous and cruel.
 Sick men_ women and children can be fooled by these
 claims and experiment with the drug. Instead of being
 helped, they risk serious side effects° If they neglect

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