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 together with their regular medicines, so it is impossible
 to say whether marijuana helped them. Observations or
 results were not scientifically measured. Procedures were
 so poor that much critical research data were lost or never
 recorded. Although these programs were well-intentioned,
 they are not scientific proof of anything.
 Some people refer to a study by Doctor Thomas
 Ungerleider as proof marijuana reduced nausea in bone marrow
 transplant patients. Unfortunatelys Doctor Ungerleider
 neglected to follow responsible scientific methods in his
 study° Like the state programs, it proves nothing. Doctor
 Ungerleider chose not to publish his study evidently because
 of its serious weaknesses. He admitted as much when
 questioned under oath°
 Those who say there are reliable scientific studies
 showing marijuana is an effective drug for treating nausea
 and vomiting are wrong. No such studies exist.
 Our nation's top cancer experts reject marijuana for
 medical use. Doctor David S° Ettinger, a professor of
 oncology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine,
 an author of over 100 scholarly articles on cancer
 treatment, and a nationally respected cancer expert,
 There is no indication that marijuana is effective
 in treating nausea and vomiting :resulting from
 radiation treatment or other causes. No
 legitimate studies have been conducted which make
 such conclusions°

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