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 treat the symptoms of multiple sclerosis, e e , To
 conclude that marijuana is therapeutically
 effective without conducting rigorous testing
 would be professionally irresponsible.
 Doctor Stephen Reingold is Assistant Vice President of
 Research for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, which
 spends over $7 million each year on MS research. Only the
 Federal Government spends more° Doctor Reingold testified:
 I could find no actual published research which
 has used marijuana .... In the existing research
 using THC_ the results were inconclusive .... In
 the absence of any we!l-designed, well-controlled
 researchooo_ the National Multiple Sclerosis
 Society..odoes not endorse or advocate its use ....
 Doctor Donald Ho Silberberg is Chairman of the
 Department of Neurology at the University of Pennsylvania
 School of Medicine and Chief of the Neurology Service at the
 Hospital of Pennsylvania. Doctor Silberberg is on the
 editorial board of Annals of Neurology and is President of
 the National Medical Advisory Board _or the National
 Multiple Sclerosis Society. He has been actively
 researching and treating MS for most of his career, has
 written over 130 medical articles on MS and is Co-Director
 of a large MS research center at the University of
 Pennsylvania. Doctor Silberberg testified:
 I have not found any legitimate medical or
 scientific works which show that
 medically effective in treating multiple sclerosis
 or spasticity. , , e The long-t_rm treatment of
 the symptoms of multiple scleros_is through the use
 of marijuana could be devastatir_go * * * iT]he use
 of (marijuana)_ especially for long-term
 treatment...would be worse than the original
 disease itself.

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