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 )>,-'!:_ : @[ i_i r ,;/;:k"={r_: : ''_, ,; :k__ ._ _: - :_ / j{:'r ;i)! _ /il, i2:! 5 i',ii_ •877! . I
 r_xm_ ;: or immediate release Contact: Kenmnggton ' _
 _ z_'_ on Aprril 23, I=992 Dave gratelle
 New Medfcaf Manyuana Lawsuff
 FHed Against DEA
 _._,.P,a_l,_,,_.a t3rug _o[|cy Fo_r_at{or_ Formal%, Joins 13-yea_ Batt_a
 a_,_,¢_. WASEiiNGTON, D.Co, April 23 _ The Drug Enforcement
 w_,a¢ Adu=cfinistratioa's hard line on medicM is being
 • {'_ l
 _, _" cha.uenged in cour¢ again_. Today a coalition of groups fi:ed svit i_
 fb&ral Appe_-g=s (2our* to overtum_ a March t8 decision by DEA
 _ae_ Administrator Robert Bonnet rejecting the idea of ree|assifying
 _=eJ e_ ma_ijuana to reco_!gdze i*_ medical uses.
 a.,__<_,_ "ms has been a tong battle, Drug Policy Fomadation Vice
 ¢am,_,_e, Pre_ddent Kevin B Zeese said, "bvt every time we have been given
 am_c. c_ma,_ a chance to present credence in an objective fo_m, we have beatet_
 c. _ _._, D_ the DEA. We _--.-_-+_.._...+,. t,? do it _gam__ ' "
 _i_a_._.a Foundation President Arnold 8. Trebaeh charged,
 _=_ a_ _a_a, _._ "Bureaucrats at the DisA and the Public Hemth Serwiee have been
 __._. bru_ally negligent of the needs of'seriously ilt Americans° Thie
 aa__ _a year, they dealt two tough blows to the thousands of patients,
 le_all_ as a
 __,_. could ber_efit, f%om using mmijuana c.. ". raedieine. P:
 _,_. this brutality will not stand.
 ,_'m P _ataa::' e C;L _, , .
 c.u._.Y._e_e_t In addition to the Drug Pohcy Fouadazaon, other partie::; ::::
 a__,a.o.,_e, the _awstfit are the Alliance fbr Cannabis Therapeutics, a
 _,,_u_. Washington. D.Co_bas_d patients:' r_ghts group, and the National
 u_._,m_ Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws. The Drug Po!iey
 caa_, _o. Fou_datian has provided legal assistance in _:he past to @m ether
 c_r_v_,e,, parties' challenges to the DEA, but this is the first time the
 _a_gm 8eame
 Foundation has been named fomnaHy as a petitioner in the !ong
 N Y.ia.O, _mtL Re._r__. g_a,
 T_-_ae_,,ga_kS.a_m_ stYiltg ef re. ecaeal ma_iiuana suits.
 _,_.a+._, _._. The stit was filed today in the LLS. Court of Appeals for the
 +_o=_m_a,, _,_ District of C, otumb,a, where several challenges to DEA actions coo
 _ _, _. medical marijuana "" v
 ua. e been suecesM%tl (see attached
 _v_. _v
 chronology), Most recently, on April 2(_. 1991, a three-judge panel
 _r_Ps_F_,_. u_t unanimously agreed with the medical marijuana coalition that.
 r_o DEA was being umeasonable in its behavior barring the drug's
 4801 b_a_aeh_et_ Ave., N W_ $t_it,_ 4(_o W_hi_g,_a_, DC 20018,-a08_
 _iepbne: 202o895.1834 fax: 202o537oa007
 • ....,;.::.,,_,,., ............. ,.... <.,... >:...>:..:,:<<<.-.-_.. :......: :.......,._.........:.......,.,.. - •, • ,_, <, < ........ :. >:.:.:<< <.:.::_:.:._;_.:,>:.,.- ........... . ,,....:.,...•,:. < <.:.:< <._<.-.:.> > > >::.-.-.-.- ,.., .> ,..,., ,:.:, .x,:<<<<.:_..,:.:_.:....:;._.:.•.:,. ,:, ,.:.,. <.,<,_ ,:,:.:.-,:.r,.:<.>..,..._,.>._,..,.. .¸.•,¸ ........... ,_:_:, <_ ,_..,,-.._-.. ..................... ., ,_,......,_._._•- .•. .....................

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