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 NEWS The Drug Policy Foundation
 RELEASE CONTACT: Dave Fratello or Rob Stewart
 Phone: (202) 537-5005
 Appeals Ct. Ruling on Medical Marijuana
 Puts the Ball in Clinton's Court
 FDA, Public Health Svc. Must Determine Future of Drug's Use
 Board of O!rectors: WASHINGTON, Feb. 1.8 -- Having lost a challenge to the Drug
 EnforcemenL AdmmlstraLlo s classification of marijuana as a drug
 Arnold S. Trebach, J.O., Ph.D.
 President with no medical use, the Drug Policy Poundat;ion today said that the
 issue must now be handled appropriately by the Clinton
 Kevin B. Zeese, Esq. administration's public health agendes.
 Vice President
 Madorie A. Rosner FoundaLion Vice President Kevin B. Zeese said, "The DEA has
 Secretary-Treasurer fought tooth and nail Lo sLonewall the medical marijuana issue [Sr 20
 Geraldine Barrett years. But, the fut, ure of Lifts issue has never rested in the hands of that
 Washington, DC crhninal enforcemenL agency."
 lra Glasser Zeese continued, "The ultimate decisions on marijuana's medical
 A.C.L.U., Now York uses will come fl'om federal public health agencies like the Food and
 Joseph D. McN_ara, Ph.0. Drug Administration and the Public Health Service. Fortunately, the
 Hoover tnstititution Clinton administrat, ion has those agencies reviewing this issue now.
 Stantord Univ. Today's court ruling has landed the bali squarely in their court. We urge
 Patrick V. Murphy them to move forward full speed ahead with its review of marijuana's
 U.S. Conference of Mayors medical potent, ial."
 Washington, DO
 This morning the UoS. Court of Appeals tbr the District of" Columbia
 Ethan Nadelmann, J.D., Ph.O.
 Princeton Univ. ruled against the Drug Policy t_oundaLion and a coaliLion of medical
 marijuana advocates. The coalition was challenging a March 26, 1992
 Nicholas Pastore ruling by DEA Administrator i_{obert Bonnet, who refused to reclassif},
 Chief of Police, New Haven
 marijuana to permit, its medical use. In 1.988, a top DEA judge had
 Wesley A. Pomeroy recommended such reclassification.
 Independent Review Panel
 Bade County, Fla. The court defeat, was Lhe first for medical marijuana advocates in
 The Hon. Kurt L. Schmoke 22 years of litigation against the DEA, In previous victmfies, advocates
 M,yo_, B_lti_o_e have forced DNA hearings on mar:ijuana's medical uses and
 successful|y challenged a 1989 ruling by DEA Administrator John Lawn
 Joanne Sgro, Esq.
 against reclassification.
 Washington, DC
 Ronald Sinoway, Esq, PoundaLion President Arnold So Trebach said, "Today's ruling is a
 Phillipsville, Calif. V[CgO17y for Big BroLher governmenL meddling in Lhe lives of doctors and
 pagents. _ n.e DEA claims the right to tell the sick and dying what they
 can or cannot use to relieve their suffbringo IL is a disgrace that drug
 war bureaucrats have gotten the okay for this behavior°"
 I Trebach continued, Pre_,_dent Clinton has the power to step in and
 stop 22 years of legal sLonewalling by simply ordering DEA to reclassify
 marijuana tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock."
 4455 Connecticut Ave., NW Zeese would not, rule out further litigation° "We -will examine our
 suite g-500 options fbr appeal and wilt consider filing further petitions against the
 Washington, DC 20008 DEA. Today's ruling does not end action against DEA."
 fax: (202) 537-3007
 -- 30--

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